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ESC - Aktuelle Projekte

Übersicht aktuelle Projekte

Hier eine Übersicht über Projekte für das Jahr 2021 sowie Partnerorganisationen, mit denen wir regelmäßig kooperieren und auf deren Webseite Ausschreibungen zu finden sind. Es kommen immer wieder neue Projekte hinzu. Am besten ihr füllt einen Anmeldebogen aus und schickt uns diesen per Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein., dann können wir euch nähere Infos geben.

Wir sind auch dazu bereit mit Organisationen zu kooperieren, mit denen wir vorher noch nicht zusammen gearbeitet haben. Daher könnt ihr gerne auch auf dem European Youth Portal nach interessanten Projekten suchen.

Bosnien und Herzegowina

Volunteerism to Solidarity - Omladinska organizacija Svitac feste Partnerorganisation

Founded in1998, Svitac is an NGO which works to engage individuals in improving their lives and communities, build international links between grass-roots & marginalized communities worldwide, and increase tolerance and support diversity in Bosnia. It does this through long-term arts and informal educational activities at our center in Bosnia, larger multi-cultural events such as summer camps, festivals, and workshop series by international volunteers, and through enabling collaborative projects between young activists, artists and organizations worldwide. We have a strong focus on training and supporting local youth staff and volunteers in gaining the skills and confidence necessary to lead their own activities and to have a stronger voice in their communities. Please see our website: www.svitac.org or facebook page: www.facebook.com/omladinska.svitac for more info.

Weitere Informationen: www.europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisation/51876_en, http://fireflybosnia.org/ ; 


Association 3PA feste Partnerorganisation

Descripiton of the host organisation
Founded in march 2004, the association 3PA (Penser, Parler, Partager, Agir – Thinking, Speaking, Sharing, Acting) is an organisation dedicated to environmental education and training situated in Lahage in Haute-
Garonne. The overarching goal of our activities is to encourage and develop local initiatives and experiences. Our main missions are to accompany, to educate/train and to inform. All of the above are based on the pedagogical principles of practical ecology and ecology for all. In order to include everyone – especially those most distanced from ecological practices – our activities rely on experimenting and trying out.

In this sense, 3PAs core principles are collective learning and exchange of knowledge, integration of environmental conscience into everyday and professional life, as well as the practical implementation of ecological principles. Accordingly, combining environmentally conscious practices with youth and educational activities are at the heart of our association. 3PA is an association for education and training in the ecological transition that has existed since 2004. Since its creation, the goal of the association has been to aware and educate all the public, and in particular young people, on environmentally friendly practices. nature and the environment. This commitment to young people in general, and young people in difficulty in particular, is strongly focused with the creation of the first School of Environmental Transition, which aims to support and train young people in the trades of ecological transition. In 2017, more than 875 young people between the ages of 16 and 25 benefited from our ecological transition workshops and trainings. We are therefore a committed association for young people and for the ecological transition. Plus d'information sur www.3paformation.fr, www.ecoletransition.eu. Here is the link to the video about 3PA
association: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiZ7Kvhf6Lw&t=11s with English Subtitles.

Example of missions:
1- Mediators of the ecological transition: to experiment with new practices, to create new tools, to be a force of proposal: This volunteering around the practice and the promotion of the professions of the environment, is accessible to all by its object (manual activities not asking for any basic knowledge) and allows young people in difficulty to lift the barriers to their employability, by joining the action of public utility, a time of training
and a time of socio-professional accompaniment. Thus, concretely, 3 days are dedicated to the mission of volunteering and 2 days to the pre-qualification to the professions in the environmental field.
2- Participate in the organization of cultural events in community cafe: La Maison de la Terre organizes all year round (Friday, Saturday) all types of cultural events: concerts, theaters, animations, thematic evenings
(more than 70 dates , 6000 spectators in the year) and all this mainly in a beautiful farmhouse of the fifteenth century belonging to the town of Poucharramet, rural village of 800 inhabitants located 40 km south of Toulouse.

3- Festival AGITATERRE: participate in the organization of the festival of sustainable local alternatives: AgitaTerre is a festival dedicated to ecological, sustainable and sustainable alternatives to our society, it is renewed each year since now 6 editions and takes place in Poucharramet, rural village located 40 km south of Toulouse.

4- THE GARDEN OF BORDENEUVE: participate in the development, animation and maintenance of a pedagogical garden: the 3PA association has an experimental and pedagogical garden of 5000 m2, under development. This garden serves as a support for educational activities in the context of welcoming school children, young people in difficulty or not, people with disabilities, families, etc. Volunteers will be provided with occasional training in the discovery of environmental trades, participate in eco-construction and woodworking projects and carry out various manual work related to the garden.

• Volunter´s profile
The participants are from 18 to 30 years old and participate in this project because they are:

- motivated or interested in climate change issues, preservation of the environment, green economy, culture in rural areas,

- facing difficulties or questions concerning their social and / or professional integration;

- wanting to discuss their practice and to learn new things;

- interested in non-formal education and its possibilities and advantages and motivated to discover different cultures and habits and also for these ones who would like to practice foreign languages and share their experience with others.

• About the application:
The volunteer can send a CV if she/he has one, she/he can write a motivation letter in English if she/he feels it, if the person prefers to speak directly on Skype/Zoom/Hangout she/he can just send a short email about her/his interest to volunteering in one of the missions the 3PA proposes and 3PA will fix a call with the volunteer. 3PA bases their decisions on the volunteer's motivation so we don't want to put a rule to the form of the application, if somebody prefers to draw a picture with his/her motivation to voluntary or do a video about it or whatever that's the better solution for them than a CV or written motivation letter, the person should feel comfortable with his/her application. Also about the level of English, we are okay with communication level he/she doesn't have to be a perfect English speaker.

Zeitraum: Frühjahr oder Sommer 2021 (je nach Covid-19 Lage)
Bewerbung an: Petra Mirajova (Association 3PA, France) Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.; Joanna Bauer (Bezirksjugendwerk der AWO Hessen-Süd e.V.) Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
Weitere Informationen: www.europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisation/65550_en


Vicolocorto feste Partnerorganisation

Infos zu den Projekten & dem Bewerbungsverfahren: http://www.vicolocorto.org/en/volunteering-in-italy


Javni zavod Sotočje Medvode feste Partnerorganisation

Zeitraum: steht für 2021 noch nicht fest, am besten immer auf die Seite der Organisation schauen

Infos zur Organisation und Ausschreibungen: https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisation/50724_en

Videobeitrag von Freiwilligen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz8IgdF8uQI


COMPAGNONS BÂTISSEURS feste Partnerorganisation

"Compagnons Bâtisseurs" (CBF) is an NGO founded in 1957. Its aim was to help people after the World War II to rebuild and renovate homes. From the very beginning, CBF has been putting the principle of solidarity into practice by building and learning together , as well as promoting peace and better understanding between people from all over the world and regardless their situation. Today CBF is a network composed of one national organization and 12 regional organizations in France.

The project is opened to everyone interested by manual and social work. We can host men and women between 18 and 30 years old from different nationalities and backgrounds with or without preliminary knowledge in renovation or social work. It's obligatory that volunteers have this profile:

  • A lot of motivation to be volunteer
  • Interest to help people in difficulties
  • interest to manual work
  • Motivation to live a good experience
  • have the open mind

Zeitraum: steht für 2021 noch nicht fest, am besten immer auf die Seite der Organisation schauen

Bewerbungen an: Paul Bonoso, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

Weitere Informationen: https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisation/48357_en


Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture (MJC) Elbeuf (Frankreich) feste Partnerorganisation

The MJC is a non profit organisation , we promote a non formal education. Our main goal is the development of active citizenship for young people and adults through the implementation of social and cultural activities ,including entering into the fields of leisure, recreation and sports. education and prevention.

The EVS could involve in many project in the MJC: social, educational and cultural activities

  • Migrants program: French class, visit and cultural workshop , social escort
  • Leisure activities for children and teenagers during holiday or after school
  • Intercommunal events: "Village des Sciences" (event promoting the discovery of Science), intercultural week, "Village des Associations" (event promoting local civil society), sustainable development week, initiative and citizenship week, International Volunteers day...
  • Multimedia lab: access to internet, office and video traineeship, games workshop, mobile computers, web TV.
  • Scientific, technological and environmental activities for children and young people: CNRS club, "small scientific" club, scientific or environmental animations within school or youth groups, organization of youth workshops...
  • Support for the local civil society and development of initiative amongst the young people: help and advice for organization, training...
  • School coaching: for children from the last year of kindergarten through primary and secondary school: help with homework, cultural and pedagogical workshops, introduction to English, educational outings and visits...
  • Training, meeting and exchange days for the school coaches of the district. For families: links with the school establishments and familial outings.
  • Web tv and video workshops  and administrative tasks as communication (flyers , advertisement ….)

Zeitraum: steht für 2021 noch nicht fest, am besten immer auf die Seite der Organisation schauen
Bewerbungen an: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
Weitere Informationen:
www.europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisation/48467_en, www.mjc-elbeuf.fr/